Support Policy

Both Free and Premium theme purchase can contact us by contact support form. Free theme users can also get support from, support forums on in respective theme support forum.

>> We also provide support via email and live chat. Users can directly email us at support@blazethemes

note: If you are premium theme user please do mention your purchase id in support email.

Demo site display

If your site doesn’t look like our demo site, provide us with your site details and we will fix it right away. Your information will remain private with us and as soon the problem is fixed we you will notify you to change it back.


We do our coding very carefully and try to trouble shoot bugs before we launch any product however if you there is any bugs, please provide us information regarding bugs and we will fix on our end as soon as possible.

New feature requests

New features will be added depending its value upon the product and also by the number of users requesting the features.


Customization request are accepted by filling up our request form, links are displayed on each product detail page and in the footer section of the website.

3rd party extensions issue

We do tests with popular 3rd party extensions with our products but it is not possible to cover them all. However, if there are any issues with other 3rd party extension with the themes you can contact our support team and if it is possible from our end we will fix it, popular 3rd party extensions are well tested with our themes.

Old versions

We recommend using the latest versions of products in your site but we also understand that its not possible everytime. If provided with full details, screenshots and temporary login details, we can have a look and try to help.

Adding new plugins extensions

As long as it does not fall under major customization expect good support. Please note, sometimes the template concept can be restrictive with the extensions you wish to add. In such case you have to contact our customization team and we will follow through with your request.

Javascript conflicts

We understand that javascripts conflict can put the whole site purpose in limbo. We always help investigate such issues and if it can be fixed from our side, we always fix them. If we express helplessness due to 3rd party extension issues, you will have to take it up with them. We are always ready to work with others to resolve such issues.

Posting Guidelines

We can not provide efficient support if you post single line poorly formatted questions without detailed description of the issue faced. You will only get blunt wild guesses as replies, not to mention the prolonged resolution time. Help us to help you.

Server and Hosting

We can only help to point out issues, beyond that its between you and your hosting provider.