Digital Marketing in WordPress Sites

Updated: November 30, 2023

We have all been hearing since the dawn of online marketing that WordPress Sites are SEO friendly, and it will help your website rank higher on Search engines. But only making our site SEO friendly is enough nowadays for that goal? Definitely not. For more visibility of the site, we have to take the help of digital marketing.

So today you are going to learn about Digital Marketing on the WordPress site on a whole.

Digital marketing is a form of marketing where you advertise digitally to people around the globe.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

  • It enables marketers to interact and understand the audience better and increase trust in their brand.
  • It leverages different channels like search engines, websites, social media platforms, emails  and mobile applications, so it will help you reach a global audience.
  • Personalized advertisements are displayed to the audience based on their preferences.
  • It is a lot less expensive than traditional forms of advertisement.

To get the maximum benefits from Digital Marketing, we need to know a little more about the types of Digital Marketing.

Types of Digital Marketing

  1. Content Marketing
  2. Search Engine Optimization
  3. Pay Per click
  4. Social Media Marketing
  5. Email Marketing
  6. Affiliate marketing

Each topic is vast in itself, so in this post we will just tell you the concept around them and the best tools and plugins for them.

Storytelling is the best form of learning anything so, rather than going through the boring way of defining the types of digital marketing one by one, let’s understand their concept from an example of how a digital marketer plans digital marketing for launching a new brand and unique product through a website.

In this story, a new brand in the marketing – Blaze – has recently launched a fresh and innovative theme that is expected to transform the market, and you are a digital marketing expert who’s among the best in the field.

Every startup and entrepreneur knows that launching the product is not the final step of the process. You cannot sell your product unless it is visible to the audience. The new brand – BlazeThemes knows this too, so it reached out to you because you are the best Digital Marketer.

To increase visibility of the brand and product, and reach a wider audience, you first planned to create content like blogs, videos, case studies, infographics, etc. that will generate audience interest in the brand and the product. After you create them, you will post them on the website, and share with the visitors. This is content marketing.

In the digital field, most visitors come from referrals from search engines. People search their needs and problems on search engines, and get their solutions and answers. You want those audiences to see your content when they search for their needs and problems. 

With that in mind, you created content by planning on specific keywords that would target those audiences. For example if your company is a WordPress theme or plugin company, a perfect keyword might be ‘best WordPress themes’ rather than ‘how to install WordPress themes’. So, choose keywords according to the nature of your product and services.

You optimized those keywords in your content by adding  them in the title, body of the content, and meta tags so that Search engines identify the content and show on their results pages. With continuous optimization, the content will gradually start to rank in top positions on Search Engines. This process is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Search engine optimization is a gradual process. You might not immediately start to rank for those keywords because the competition in those keywords could be high, and there are better contents that have more authority on Search engines.

So, you chose the next obvious option. You set up an ad campaign in the search engines, where you bid for those keywords to place your post on strategic places. 

For example, you have bid for the ‘best theme’ keyword on Google ads. When a user searches for the keyword, your ad will be displayed.  If the user clicks the ad and opens the link, you will be charged a specific rate that you bid for. This is Pay Per Click advertising. 

Every startup and entrepreneur knows that launching the product is not the final step of the process. You cannot sell your product unless it is visible to the audience. The new brand – BlazeThemes knows this too, so it reached out to you because you are the best Digital Marketer.

To increase visibility of the brand and product, and reach a wider audience, you first planned to create content like blogs, videos, case studies, infographics, etc. that will generate audience interest in the brand and the product. After you create them, you will post them on the website, and share with the visitors. This is content marketing.

In the digital field, most visitors come from referrals from search engines. People search their needs and problems on search engines, and get their solutions and answers. You want those audiences to see your content when they search for their needs and problems. 

With that in mind, you created content by planning on specific keywords that would target those audiences. For example if your company is a WordPress theme or plugin company, a perfect keyword might be ‘best WordPress themes’ rather than ‘how to install WordPress themes’. So, choose keywords according to the nature of your product and services.

You optimized those keywords in your content by adding  them in the title, body of the content, and meta tags so that Search engines identify the content and show on their results pages. With continuous optimization, the content will gradually start to rank in top positions on Search Engines. This process is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Search engine optimization is a gradual process. You might not immediately start to rank for those keywords because the competition in those keywords could be high, and there are better contents that have more authority on Search engines.

So, you chose the next obvious option. You set up an ad campaign in the search engines, where you bid for those keywords to place your post on strategic places. 

For example, you have bid for the ‘best theme’ keyword on Google ads. When a user searches for the keyword, your ad will be displayed.  If the user clicks the ad and opens the link, you will be charged a specific rate that you bid for. This is Pay Per Click advertising. 

The ad shown on the search engine results page could be  image, post, sales page, landing page or video.

For Content Marketing and Search Engine Optimization, we may use different tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, etc. and hire the services of Content writers but it’s not compulsory to pay any third-parties . But for pay per click advertising, you’ll have to pay a certain fee for each designated action on your ads.

This generation is a social media generation. Social media has a huge reservoir of audience that  are your prospective buyers. Social media has played a huge role in changing many brand’s fortunes. Nowadays, companies put a lot of effort in social media for the exact same reason.

And that’s why too, you dived into social media like linkedin, youtube, facebook, instagram and advertised the brand product with posts, images, ads, and videos with offers on a regular basis. This is social media marketing.

After all these marketing, you started to get huge traffic of visitors on the website. People are hugely interested in the product, and they have been buying it. 
But you noticed that lots of them have not been revisiting your website to  look for your other products. So you sent emails to the members and customers with new offers and promotions. That is email marketing.

Your brand and product is now growing hugely. But to increase your reach even more, you thought of a brilliant idea – you decided to collaborate with other parties. They would promote your brand and product, and place your link/banner on their content/pages, and refer your product to their audience. This is affiliate marketing. The referrer is called affiliate, and you are called advertiser.  

You can use affiliate marketing to achieve not just sales, but also sign-ups, registrations, and leads.

There is a unique code in the referral link for affiliates, and when referred people buy your product, the referrer will get commission.

👉 Learn how to generate referral link.

After following all above steps,  the brand grew by leaps and bounds, and you’ve established the brand and the product.

For your help in digital marketing, I have listed some of the plugins and tools for your WordPress site. I’m sure this will help you immensely.

  1. Best Content Marketing Tools and Plugins for WordPress
  • MonsterInsights – WordPress analytics tool
  • AIOSEO – SEO plugin for WordPress
  • Edit Flow – Collaboration tool for Team within a project.
  • SEMRush – SEO and marketing tool to create and optimize content,  and research keywords.
  • Ahrefs – One of the best SEO tools for keywords research, and keep track of the keywords- yours, competitors and find out high-value keywords, and create high-ranking content.
  • Canva – You can easily design an image on this graphic design website.
  • Grammarly – A must have tools for any content marketer to weed out typos, and grammatical errors.
  • – Image optimizer and compress plugin to reduce image size without dramatically affecting the quality. Low-size images help webpages load faster.
  • IFTTT – Connect your different apps and devices and enable them to work together.
  • Shared Counts- Create Social media share buttons for the people to share your content directly from your content.
  1. Search Engine Optimization Tools for WordPress
  • All In One SEO for WordPress (AIOSEO) – SEO plugin
  • SEMRush – Keep track of high-value keywords and create the high-ranking content.
  • Google Search Console – Free tool provided by Google to measure the traffic and performance of your web pages on Google search results page.
  • Yoast SEO – the most popular and powerful SEO plugin for WordPress
  • Google Keyword Planner – not the best tool to research keywords to build organic traffic on new keywords, but you can use it to the best results on google ads.
  • Ahrefs – Similar to SEMrush
  • SEOPress – SEO plugin for WordPress
  • Rank Math – SEO plugin for WordPress
  • Schema Pro – Automate Schema markup for your website.
  • – Keyword research tool that uses Google Autocomplete to generate long-tail keywords.
  1. Pay per clicks
  1. Social Media Marketing
  1. Email Marketing
  • SendinBlue Subscribe Form and WP SMTP – All-in-one marketing plugin –  Create custom subscription forms, manage contact lists, create and send newsletters, track the deliverability and effectiveness of the email campaign, email automation and view statistics.
  • Email Subscribers & Newsletters – WordPress plugin for managing email and newsletter subscription on your website without any hassle.
  • Newsletter for WordPress
  • MailChimp for WordPress – Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing tools in the industry.
  • HubSpot All-In-One Marketing – A powerful marketing tool – live chat and chatbots, email newsletters, managing contact database, and analytics dashboard.
  • Mailster – Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress
  • MailPoet – Build your mailing list by creating sign-up form for newsletter subscriptions, and send them newsletters and automated welcome emails.
  • FluentCRM – Self-Hosted Email Marketing Automation Plugin which manages your leads and customers, email campaigns, automated email sequencing, and monitors user activities; all from WordPress dashboard.
  1. Affiliate Networks
  • ShareASale
  • AWIN
  • Clickbanks
  • CJ Affiliate
  • Commission Factory
  • Rakuten Advertising
  1. Affiliate marketing
  • Pretty Links – Create shortened links using your own domain name to provide to your affiliates.
  • ThirstyAffiliates – Similar to Pretty Links.
  • MonsterInsights – WordPress analytics plugin to track all the data.
  • RafflePress – Capture visitors and their emails with attractive giveaways and contests.
  • Constant Contact – Email marketing and online marketing campaign tool
  • OptinMonster – Create pop-ups, forms and newsletter subscribers to build email lists for promotion and conversions.
  • WP RSS Aggregator – Import, merge, and display RSS and Atom feeds anywhere
  • SEMRush
  • WPForms – Contact Form builder 
  • AdSanity – Ad management software for your website to serve your ads.

WordPress is an excellent CMS for SEO, and Digital Marketing. There is not a better CMS than WordPress for digital marketing. Keep trying, and keep tweaking – you’ll surely find your success.

We will be back with new and  helpful updates soon.

Till then, take care.


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