Welcome additions to Newsmatic Free Theme that will make you love it even more

Updated: October 2, 2023

Learn about our latest Newsmatic 1.2.7 Theme update.

Work hard to give the best product to your users > Users will love it >  Work harder to give a better product > Users will love it even more.

This is the mantra we recite at BlazeThemes.

Some WordPress admins want full control over the layout and design of their news sites. 

We heard you.

If you’re one of them, we’ve added features in Newsmatic Free News Portal Theme that we are certain you will love them.

Welcome Features Additions to our Newsmatic Free Theme

1. Custom button on The Header

Many of our users requested to us that they would like to add a custom button on Theme Header and who are we to deny so many requests? 

We try to provide what our customers ask for.

Add the custom button on the Header and put the link to the source – YouTube, Facebook, or anywhere you like.

2. Rearrange Main Header elements

It’d be kinda boring to follow the conventional design that is being used everywhere. Being a little different would be pretty awesome. 

So, rearrange the display order of Header elements as you like:

  • Social Icon – Site Logo – Newsletter/Random News button


  • Newsletter/Random News button – Site Logo – Social Icon 

Which display order do you like? The choice is yours.

3. More granular control over color design in Menu, Search Icon, and Toggle Bar

More color choice options, more fun. We’ve added color design options for Menu, Search Icon, and Toggle Bar.

  • In Menu, now you can choose your own preferred text color at both the initial and hover states.
  • For Search icon and Toggle Bar, now you can choose your preferred color at both the initial and hover states.

4. Request New Layouts

Request any new layout as you wish, directly from the Customizer in Newsmatic Theme.

We will add your requested layout to the theme within a month.

More demos added..

Many WordPress admins don’t like to go through the hassle of setting up their news websites from scratch.

We understand it. In Newsmatic Theme, you don’t need to go through all that. 

We now have 27+ prebuilt websites in Newsmatic Theme that you can import to your website with our Blaze One-click demo Import plugin.

That’s right.. We’ve added 2 new demos –  each in free and pro versions. 

Check them out right now: 👇

📋 🆕 demo in Free version

📋 🆕 New demo in Pro version

Feel free to give your thoughts. We love them. Keep them coming!

Related: How to create a news website?

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